Laundering Cloth Diapers

A lot of parents routinely wash diapers every other day. If it's sunny outside, hanging them to dry is a great way to get the natural bleaching power of the sun and fresh air on them. Dirty wet diapers can be stored in this hanging diaper pail and the pail can be washed with the diapers. It's a good practice to keep two pails so one is available to store wet diapers while the other is washing. For the soiled diapers, spray them off in the toilet and put them in a hard plastic trash bin (less porous than a flexible). There are specific detergents to avoid, basically you want to avoid anything with perfumes or whitening enzymes (irritants) as well as anything with borox or bleach.

Here are some links which review detergents for use with cloth diapers:
Top Loading Washers PinStripes and PolkaDots
Front Loading/High Efficiency PinStripes and PolkaDots
Diaper Jungle

You only need about 2 1/2 days worth of diapers to have a full supply if you wash every other day. It's a big hit in the pocketbook initially, but when you consider the disposables being used over the course of 2 or 3 can really save a lot of cash. There are numerous other factors to choose cloth diapers, including the dangers of those "super absorbent" chemicals in disposables. If you're looking for some good information to switch or to convince your significant other to switch....there's plenty of it out there.

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