Cloth Diapering

The least expensive route is either flats or Prefolds. Flats are the old fashioned diapers which are simply a single layer of fabric, usually cotton. Prefolds do not come folded already, despite the word prefold in its name. Prefold applies to the layers of cloth already stitched together compared to a flat, which is just a single layer piece of fabric. The three numbers (2x6x2, 4x6x4, 4x8x4) refer to the number of fabric layers of the three panels of the prefold diaper with the middle panel being the thickest. 4x8x4 size prefold has 4 layers of fabric on the left and 8 layers of fabric down the middle and right side. Two types of prefolds are CPF (Chinese Prefold) and IPF (Indian Prefold).

A prefold is just cotton, so a cover must be used with it after pinning the diaper or using a Snappi to prevent moisture from leaking onto clothing/furniture. Some popular brands of covers are:
Bummis Super Whisper Wrap,
Imse Vimse
Aristocrat Wool Soaker

Another option is a contour diaper, which is like a flat diaper that has been cut in at the legs and shaped at the top to form tabs. There isn't any elastic at the legs (so no potential for red marks). Contours are similar in function to prefolds but easier to use. They have an insert sewn in. This is another cheap option and requires no folding. It does require a cover. You may wish to pin these for a better fit. A popular brand is:

The next step up is a fitted cloth diaper. This one is usually bunched around the legs and comes with buttons or velcro. No folding, pins or snappis necessary. A cover must be used with it as well. Some popular brands of fitteds are:
Under the Nile
Thirsties Fab Fitted
Heiny Hugger

Then, there's the pocket diaper. It has a cover built in either with velcro or snaps to fasten, is lined with microfleece and has a pocket for inserts. You have control over absorbency by the type and thickness of the inserts you put in.Some popular brands of pocket diapers are:
Happy Heiny's
Fuzzi Bunz

All-in-ones (AIOs) are very similar to disposables, but you don't throw them away. They're like the pocket diapers above, but the inserts are sewn in and you cannot be taken out and absorbency within the lining cannot be adjusted. People who prefer AIOs feel that they have a trimmer fit than the other cloth diapering options. These are great for hesitant parents as well as grandparents and child care providers or anyone who isn't folding and snapping prefolds all the time and has not gone through the process of learning that art with these diapers. A common complaint is that they take too long to dry. Some popular brands of AIOs are:

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